From East Texas with love

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fried food. One of my greatest will-definitely-contribute-to-my-early-demise pleasures, but it is just so good. A few days ago of my roommates had the perfect idea to fry up some venison for dinner. This obsession that some of us have with eating food that we ourselves have harvested from the field is one of man's greatest primal urges (somewhere between reproduction and sleep), so I'm happy to indulge at just about every opportunity I get. The deer was one that faithfully submitted itself to my freezer, and for that I am grateful. Knowing exactly where what you're eating came from is a great thing, unfortunately I'm embarrassed to say that 98% of what I eat I buy at HEB, which I am not too upset about, it's a good grocery but still, local natural food > HEB any day of the week.

This is for sure my family's favorite way to eat venison, and I think it's my favorite as well; after I fry some up I eat the snack-sized morsels right out of the fridge for about a week straight. I wish I had some brilliant recipe for chicken fried deer, but I just so happens that I don't. The really great thing is you don't need one, just plain deer, covered in plain batter, fried in peanut oil is enough to treat just about anyone.

Posted by Growing Dallas at 1:33 AM  


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